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E-Board Responsibilities

Executive-Board Responsibilities 
The executive board is in charge of most of the major activities around the school including: 
  • Pep assemblies (Homecoming, Winter sports, Spring sports)
  • Spirit weeks (Fall homecoming, Red ribbon week, Spring homecoming, etc.)   
  • Wacko week and assembly (after state testing)
  • School dances (Homecoming, Halloween, Winter, Spring) 
  • Community service projects (Thanksgiving food drive, Christmas toy drive)
  • Fundraisers (Valentines Crush fundraisers, Spirit cart, etc.)
Student government is no easy task. It has the same requirements as a sport: you must have a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. and have 4 classes (no graduating at semester). You need to attend as many meetings as possible and fulfill your duties to get activities done in order to run a successful school. The positions duties are as follows:   
  •  Executive Board President: Represents the student body as a whole; stays in close communication with the adviser and the other the other executive board officers on important issues; announces the date and time of all meetings; prepares the agenda with the secretary and adviser, calls all meetings to order and follow the assigned agenda.
  •  Executive Board Vice President: Stays in close communication with other executive board officers on important issues; works closely with the president and must be prepared to assume the duties of the president in the event of their absence; makes student council announcements 
  • Executive Board Secretary: works closely with the president and adviser on the agenda for all meetings; takes attendance at all meetings; records notes at all meetings; reads minutes to inform student government of what has been discussed and reminds members of all issues that haven't been discussed; writes correspondence for all projects, fundraisers, dances,etc. 
  • Executive Board Treasurer: Keeps track of all money going to and from the students government account; plans fundraisers and who will be in charge of money-taking at them; is able to answer any questions at any given time about money in the student government account.
  • Executive Board Communications Director: Keeps the student body informed of all activities student government plans including making posters,fliers,etc.; reads daily announcements; hosts and sets up any student government video announcements.    
  • Executive Board Activities Director: Plans all dances including coordinating with student D.J.'s ans administration to finalize playlists for dances; finds teachers and parents to chaperone dances; organizes decorations committee, and refreshments for dances, is in charge MCing all school assemblies that student government plans.